Stress Reliever

How to relieve stress with novel Tai-Chi practices?


Individual project


Processing&Unity | Kinect

My role

Research | Interaction design | Development




Individual project


Processing&Unity | Kinect



My role

Interaction design |
Unity development

What brought me to this problem area?

Two years ago, I went to an exhibition where people can vent to reduce their stress level. The exhibition is divided by rooms with different functions: visitors can smash anything in one room with a hammer, squeeze the duck in the duck room or throw the pillow as far as they like.

People do release their stress to some extent; however, this method is arguably not for reducing daily stress: people might only try this once or twice a year or longer, whose effectiveness will not last for a long time. Also, sometimes negative venting can lead to heightened stress and physical health concern.

Therefore, I was thinking if I could create an experience what can be easily installed in the workspace or at home.

Background research

Six ways to reduce stress


I interviewed twenty people from different fields to know the efficiency of the six ways, the main questions are as following:


1. Are you feeling stressful quite often?
2. How do you deal with stress?
3. Have you tried one of the following ways, how do you like it?


Pains and opportunities

I integrated what I found from research and potential users, from where, I analyzed the main pain points and found opportunities of my product.


The best solution is to build a system which can help users release their stress intuitively and provide users instant feedback. Users don’t have to worry about the time, space and money. They are able to have an immersive experience in a natural settings.

Competitor analysis



Through surveys, users cannot get proper instructions from meditation apps and they might easily give up because they cannot see instant feedback. Also, the installation cost too much which family cannot afford one at home. This project has to minimize these drawbacks and keep their good sides.

Value propositions


Step01 tai chi concepts --> system building


Step02  postures and nature --> game modes


Design concept

Visual effects


Selected Projects